
Community Bonding Week 1: May 6–May 12

  • University final exams started from May 1.

Community Bonding Week 2: May 13–May 19

  • University exams ended in the middle on this week.
  • Continuing work on the existing PRs (#152, #147) I had been working on.

Community Bonding Week 3: May 20–May 26

  • Continued working on #152 (#147 was merged.)
  • Had a few quite busy days at college.
  • Will be using the next and the last week of community bonding period to discuss the intricacies of implementing the log template.

Community Bonding Week 4: May 27–June 2 (work begins May 30)

  • Understood how the existing templates work.
  • Set up Omega CGI on my system to have a better grasp over how things actually look like when using different templates.

Coding Week 1: June 3–June 9

  • Discussed the logging process on the mailing list to get some doubts out of the way.

Coding Week 2: June 10–June 16

  • Completed the first step of logging the click data i.e. logging separate entries for each executed search from the query template.
    • Added another log command in query template.
    • Implemented a new OmegaScript command i.e. $qid to generate a unique ID for each entered $query.
    • Documented $qid command in omega/docs/omegascript.rst
    • Wrote feature tests for $qid command.
  • June 14: Working towards the second step i.e. logging the query IDs and click URL on each click event using a new template named clicklog.

Coding Week 3: June 17–June 23

  • Opened a PR (#160) for $qid (later changed to $hash) OmegaScript command.
  • Completed working on logging functionality and opened a PR (#161) for the same.

Coding Week 4: June 24–June 30 (evaluations: June 26–30)

  • Currently, working towards getting #160 and #161 in good shape by addressing the review comments.
  • Will start discussing the right approach for implementing the DBN model over mailing list by the end of this week after getting the standing PRs merged.

Coding Week 5: July 1–July 7

  • Worked on improving the clickstream logging PR #161 addressing review comments.

Coding Week 6: July 8–July 14

  • Addressed all the pending comments on #161.
  • Moving onto the implementation of click model.
  • Discussed the approach to be taken for the implementation on the mailing list and a suitable class design.

Coding Week 7: July 15–July 21

  • Started working on the SimplifiedDBN class which implements the Simplified DBN click model.

Coding Week 8: July 22–July 28 (evaluations: July 24–28)

  • Opened a PR #170 with the implementation of Simplified DBN Click model.
  • Working on adding documentation and tests.

Coding Week 9: July 29–August 4

  • Laptop malfunctioned (random reboots).
  • Spent the week arranging a replacement system and setting up for development work.

Coding Week 10: August 5–August 11

  • Made further changes in #161 and #170 to address review comments

Coding Week 11: August 12–August 18

  • #161 was merged.
  • Added tests for SimplifiedDBN class in #170.
  • Started working on adding a utility command for enabling the use of SimplifiedDBN class to generate qrel file.

Coding Week 12: August 19–August 25 (evaluations; August 21–29)

  • Added the utility command generate-qrel-file for generating qrel file.
  • Working on making changes in #170 as per latest review comments.
  • Will add the project work product page in the project wiki page and submit the final evaluation at the earliest.

Final Evaluations: August 26–August 29

Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on 23/08/17 15:17:02
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