
Release Overview for 1.4.14

This page contains a high level description of the most notable changes in this release. For full details of user-visible changes, see the NEWS files in each module:

See also the full list of bug reports marked as fixed in this release.


  • Xapian::Stem: The constructor which takes a stemmer name now takes an optional second bool parameter - if this is true, then an unknown stemmer name falls back to using the "none" stemmer instead of throwing an exception. This allows simply constructing a stemmer from an ISO language code without having to worry about whether there's a stemmer for that language, and without having to handle an exception if there isn't.
  • Handle pruning under a positional check. This used to be impossible, but since 1.4.13 it can happen as we now hoist OP_AND_NOT to just below where we hoist the positional checks. The code on master already handles pruning here so this bug is specific to the RELEASE/1.4 branch. Fixes #796, reported by Oliver Runge.


  • Add built-in indexer support for iso-8859-15 so we can handle it without iconv. This charset is a variant of iso-8859-1 with 8 characters changed, most notably including the euro currency symbol. It's the most commonly seen charset we didn't have built-in support for.
Last modified 4 years ago Last modified on 24/11/19 08:03:07
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