
Ranking :: Learning to Rank

Name Rishabh Mehrotra
IRC nick rishabhmehrotra
Timezone UTC+5:30
Work hours 9-17 UTC
Official mentor Parth Gupta
Code repository

As my GSoC project I would like to improve the LETOR framework of Xapian. I intend to make improvements in both the existing modules: features and ranking algorithm and also introduce a new module for rank aggregation. In the features module, I wish to incorporate more features including statistical language models among others. Apart from this, a module for deep learning using which we can extract features from documents in an unsupervised manner will also be implemented within the LETOR framework. I intend to add support for listwise approach based ranking algorithms, in both supervised and semi-supervised setting. In order to combine the ranking output of the 2(existing)+2(proposed)=4 ranking algorithms I intend to integrate a rank aggregation module which would combine the all the rankings and provide the final ranking of documents. The project details section is sub-divided into 3 parts: Features Ranking Algorithms Rank Aggregation.

Overall Framework of the LETOR system:

Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on 07/03/14 11:33:44

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