Articles about Xapian
This page provides a lists of articles or blog entries which have been written about Xapian, and slides or videos or presentations about Xapian. Entries should be largely about Xapian - don't add an article simply because it mentions Xapian once, in a passing reference. If there is a choice of language including English, please link to the English version of an article first. Also, giving a brief summary of what the article covers would be helpful. Most recent entries are at the top of each section.
Blogs dedicated to Xapian
Written Articles and Blog posts
- 2011-04-11 Xapian omega: simple URLs for users (Apache)
- 2010-10-26 Read and index documents with Xapian and Omega
- 2010-08-01 Create a lightweight intranet search engine with Xapian on FreeBSD
- 2010-05-17 fuss-launcher: an application launcher built on apt-xapian-index
- 2010-05-12 Add Search to Ruby on Rails Projects with acts_as_xapian
- 2010-04-02 xapian: the alternative to the ubiquitous “search with google”
- 2010-01-31 Xapian Fu; Full Text Indexing in Ruby
- 2009-11-18 Doing 'Notmuch' to fix Email - An email system for Linux based on Xapian
- 2009-11-17 notmuch - An article by Keith Packard introducing a new email reading system called notmuch
- 2009-11-16 Tutorial on using Xapian with the Pylons web framework
- 2009-11-03 Fulltext searches with Xapian and PHP
- 2009-10-20 Simple Search for Django using Haystack and Xapian
- 2009-06-23 Building xapian-bindings-php under Fedora Core 10
- 2009-04-02 An explanation of the proper use of terms, values and document data
- 2009-03-07 Search panel at DrupalCon DC: comparing ApacheSolr, Search Lucene API, Xapian and Sphinx
- 2009-03-04 Recherche "Full text" avec xapian (in French) - Installing and getting started with Xapian and acts_as_xapian.
- 2008-10-03 Adding search to your Web site with Xapian and Omega
- 2008-09-25 Write Your Own Application Launcher - Using Xapian to do spell checking, tag clouds, completion, and searching for an application launcher.
- 2008-09-24 Index your DataMapper Models with Xapian - dm-xapian is a Merb plugin to index your Ruby on Rails DataMapper models with Xapian.
- 2008-08-26 Acts As Xapian - It Just Works - Positive first experiences with acts_as_xapian.
- 2008-07-23 Simple Ruby On Rails Full Text Search Using Xapian - A basic tutorial on using acts_as_xapian with Ruby On Rails.
- 2008-07-19 Tuning Search in Drupal 5 - Benchmarks comparing Drupal's core search with Xapian.
- 2008-07-17 acts_as_xapian and
- 2008-07-15 Mulling Over Our Ruby On Rails Full Text Search Options - Taking a look at the different options for full-text search with Ruby on Rails.
- 2008-05-08 ore.xapian - indexing and searching in zope3
- 2007-10-xx Introducing apt-xapian-index - Enrico Zini has written a series of nine articles about using Xapian to search for Debian packages.
- 2007-08-25 Djapian: solução de search engine para seu projeto (Portuguese - English translation from Google) - about the Djapian Django/Python integration.
- 2007-08-14 Building a (fast) Wikipedia offline reader - search powered by Xapian
- 2007-06-19 Using tags to enhance a keyword search - using Xapian's relevance feedback features to improve searches in a tagged database.
- 2007-06-12 Indexation Service with Xapian - a description of a simple indexing service for Xapian.
- 2007-06-07 Indexation facile et rapide avec Xapian (French) - a quick overview of how to use the Python bindings to do some indexing.
- 2007-04-03 Django and MYSQL Full Text Database Search using Xapian
- 2007-02-04 Pumping Up Your Applications with Xapian Full-Text Search - using Xapian from Python with TurboGears and SQLAlchemy.
- 2007 Xapian in Python - indexing and search in Xapian with reference to Django
- 2006-06-01 Indexing and Searching the Wikit with Xapian - Two scripts providing a simple search facility for the Tcl wiki
- 2006-04-04 Xapian PHP5 Wrapper (this has now been incorporated into the Xapian distribution)
- 2010-02-26 In Search Of... integrating site search - Ian Barber's talk at PHP UK 2010.
- 2009-11-10 How works - Olly Betts' presentation to Wellington Perl Mongers.
- 2008-07-06 Full Text Delicious Index in 100 lines of code - David Novakovic's presentation to BarCamp Gold Coast.
- 2008-06-xx Xapian & Search Integration - Sidnei da Silva's talk at NOLA Symposium 08.
- 2006-11-21 Open Source IR with Xapian - Richard Boulton's presentation to the British Computer Society.
- 2006-09-02 Finding the Bard - Python, Xapian and Shakespeare - James Aylett's presentation to BarCamp London.
Last modified
14 years ago
Last modified on 11/04/11 18:03:25
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