Opened 9 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#727 closed defect (notabug)


Reported by: GiulianoM Owned by: Olly Betts
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Backend-Chert Version:
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: Operating System: All


is there a way to force xapian to re-index the documents? the case: in chamilo we install xapian before uploading documents as they can be indexed. but as we dont know now if it is working fine we are not sure it is indexing docs. we want to continue uploading docs to do not stop working and when we are sure xapian works fine we wouldnot re-upload all docs. maybe a re-index command can be launched, i didnt found in xapian admin guide.


Change History (2)

comment:1 by Olly Betts, 9 years ago

Resolution: notabug
Status: newclosed

Xapian just indexes what it's told to by API calls made by the application - it's the responsibility of the application code to deal with this sort of thing and make the appropriate API calls. Xapian knows nothing about the source of the data, so it can't trigger in response to updates by itself.

comment:2 by GiulianoM, 9 years ago

thank you Olly so much

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