Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#551 closed defect (fixed)

Migrate Java bindings from hand-coded JNI to SWIG-generated

Reported by: Olly Betts Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: 1.3.0
Component: Xapian-bindings (Java) Version: SVN trunk
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: Blocked By:
Blocking: Operating System: All


The JNI bindings are a real pain to update, so the Java bindings lag behind the others. I've just fixed the SWIG-generated bindings in the java-swig subdirectory to be in the org.xapian package, which was one of the major blockers.

I think 1.3.0 is a good time to make the switch. I doubt we can retain 100% source code compatibility with the old bindings, but it would be good to keep compatibility where we can. Ultimately though, users will be better served by up-to-date bindings, so the pain of having to update existing code will be worthwhile.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by Olly Betts, 14 years ago

The Java "simple" examples currently are the old-style ones, so creates a document containing the list of terms given on the command line. It would be better if it implemented the standard modern version, which indexes paragraphs from a text file.

comment:2 by Olly Betts, 14 years ago

On trunk, I've now made the java-swig bindings the default, removed the hand-coded JNI ones, and renamed "java-swig" to "java".

comment:3 by Olly Betts, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

This is essentially done on trunk now, and we're not going to migrate 1.2.x, so closing this ticket.

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