The missing symbol is the method Xapian::Database::metadata_keys_begin:
$ echo _ZNK6Xapian8Database19metadata_keys_beginERKSs | c++filt
Xapian::Database::metadata_keys_begin(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&) const
This method was added in Xapian 1.0.9, so what this means is that you are trying to use xapian-bindings 1.0.16 (or 1.0.11) with xapian-core 1.0.8 or earlier - that's not a supported combination, and when you ran configure from xapian-bindings, you would have got a warning to this effect (it's not a hard error, as it will actually work unless a new symbol has been added, but we don't recommend it).
If you actually have a newer xapian-core installed (as well as the old one) you need to tell xapian-bindings where it is when you run its configure script, e.g.:
./configure XAPIAN_CONFIG=/usr/local/bin/xapian-config
So this isn't a bug in Xapian, hence closing as "invalid", which seems the most appropriate status we have for that.