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27 |
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29 |
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31 |
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33 |
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64 | <option value="admin/projects" $if{$eq{$dbname,Admin/work},selected="selected"}>Everything</option>
65 | <option value="admin" $if{$eq{$dbname,admin},selected="selected"}>admin</option>
66 | <option value="projects" $if{$eq{$dbname,projects},selected="selected"}>projects</option>
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86 | <br>
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99 | <hr>
100 | </center>
101 | $list{$map{$queryterms,$list{$html{$uniq{$unstem{$_}}},<b>,</b>/<b>,</b>}: $nice{$freq{$_}}},Term frequencies: ,$. ,}
102 | <br><small>Search took $time seconds</small>
103 | <table>
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105 | ${<img src="/icons/omega/score-$div{$percentage,10}.png" alt="$percentage%" height=16 width=32>}
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125 | <br>
126 | <small>$snippet{$field{sample}}</small><br>
127 | <a href="omegalink://$html{$subdb}$html{$field{url}}">Visit Locally</a>
128 | <a href="$html{$field{url}}">Download</a><br>
129 | <small>
130 | matching:
131 | <i>$list{$map{$terms,$html{$prettyterm{$_}}},</i>$. <i>,</i> and <i>}</i></small>${for lynx:}<p></td></tr>}
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133 |
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135 |
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171 | $log{query.log}