1 | foo=<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
2 | =<xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" xmlns:msxsl='urn:schemas-microsoft-com:xslt'>
3 | =
4 | = <xsl:key name="ProjectKey" match="Event" use="@Project" />
5 | =
6 | = <xsl:template match="Events" mode="createProjects">
7 | = <projects>
8 | = <xsl:for-each select="Event">
9 | = <!--xsl:sort select="@Project" order="descending"/-->
10 | = <xsl:if test="(1=position()) or (preceding-sibling::*[1]/@Project != @Project)">
11 | =
12 | = <xsl:variable name="ProjectName" select="@Project"/>
13 | =
14 | = <project>
15 | = <xsl:attribute name="name">
16 | = <xsl:value-of select="@Project"/>
17 | = </xsl:attribute>
18 | =
19 | = <xsl:if test="@Project=''">
20 | = <xsl:attribute name="solution">
21 | = <xsl:value-of select="@Solution"/>
22 | = </xsl:attribute>
23 | = </xsl:if>
24 | =
25 | = <xsl:for-each select="key('ProjectKey', $ProjectName)">
26 | = <!--xsl:sort select="@Source" /-->
27 | = <xsl:if test="(1=position()) or (preceding-sibling::*[1]/@Source != @Source)">
28 | =
29 | = <source>
30 | = <xsl:attribute name="name">
31 | = <xsl:value-of select="@Source"/>
32 | = </xsl:attribute>
33 | =
34 | = <xsl:variable name="Source">
35 | = <xsl:value-of select="@Source"/>
36 | = </xsl:variable>
37 | =
38 | = <xsl:for-each select="key('ProjectKey', $ProjectName)[ @Source = $Source ]">
39 | =
40 | = <event>
41 | = <xsl:attribute name="error-level">
42 | = <xsl:value-of select="@ErrorLevel"/>
43 | = </xsl:attribute>
44 | = <xsl:attribute name="description">
45 | = <xsl:value-of select="@Description"/>
46 | = </xsl:attribute>
47 | = </event>
48 | = </xsl:for-each>
49 | = </source>
50 | = </xsl:if>
51 | = </xsl:for-each>
52 | =
53 | = </project>
54 | = </xsl:if>
55 | = </xsl:for-each>
56 | = </projects>
57 | = </xsl:template>
58 | =
59 | = <xsl:template match="projects">
60 | = <xsl:for-each select="project">
61 | = <xsl:sort select="@Name" order="ascending"/>
62 | = <h2>
63 | = <xsl:if test="@solution">Solution: <xsl:value-of select="@solution"/></xsl:if>
64 | = <xsl:if test="not(@solution)">Project: <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
65 | = <xsl:for-each select="source">
66 | = <xsl:variable name="Hyperlink" select="@name"/>
67 | = <xsl:for-each select="event[@error-level='4']">
68 | =  <A class="note"><xsl:attribute name="HREF"><xsl:value-of select="$Hyperlink"/></xsl:attribute><xsl:value-of select="@description"/></A>
69 | = </xsl:for-each>
70 | = </xsl:for-each>
71 | = </xsl:if>
72 | = </h2>
73 | =
74 | = <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="98%" border="1" bordercolor="white" class="infotable">
75 | = <tr>
76 | = <td nowrap="1" class="header" _locID="Filename">Filename</td>
77 | = <td nowrap="1" class="header" _locID="Status">Status</td>
78 | = <td nowrap="1" class="header" _locID="Errors">Errors</td>
79 | = <td nowrap="1" class="header" _locID="Warnings">Warnings</td>
80 | = </tr>
81 | =
82 | = <xsl:for-each select="source">
83 | = <xsl:sort select="@name" order="ascending"/>
84 | = <xsl:variable name="source-id" select="generate-id(.)"/>
85 | =
86 | = <xsl:if test="count(event)!=count(event[@error-level='4'])">
87 | =
88 | = <tr class="row">
89 | = <td class="content">
90 | = <A HREF="javascript:"><xsl:attribute name="onClick">javascript:document.images['<xsl:value-of select="$source-id"/>'].click()</xsl:attribute><IMG border="0" alt="expand/collapse section" class="expandable" height="11" onclick="changepic()" src="_UpgradeReport_Files/UpgradeReport_Plus.gif" width="9" ><xsl:attribute name="name"><xsl:value-of select="$source-id"/></xsl:attribute><xsl:attribute name="child">src<xsl:value-of select="$source-id"/></xsl:attribute></IMG></A> <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
91 | = </td>
92 | = <td class="content">
93 | = <xsl:if test="count(event[@error-level='3'])=1">
94 | = <xsl:for-each select="event[@error-level='3']">
95 | = <xsl:if test="@description='Converted'">Converted</xsl:if>
96 | = <xsl:if test="@description!='Converted'"><xsl:value-of select="@description"/></xsl:if>
97 | = </xsl:for-each>
98 | = </xsl:if>
99 | = <xsl:if test="count(event[@error-level='3'])!=1 and count(event[@error-level='3' and @description='Converted'])!=0">Converted
100 | = </xsl:if>
101 | = </td>
102 | = <td class="content"><xsl:value-of select="count(event[@error-level='2'])"/></td>
103 | = <td class="content"><xsl:value-of select="count(event[@error-level='1'])"/></td>
104 | = </tr>
105 | =
106 | = <tr class="collapsed" bgcolor="#ffffff">
107 | = <xsl:attribute name="id">src<xsl:value-of select="$source-id"/></xsl:attribute>
108 | =
109 | = <td colspan="7">
110 | = <table width="97%" border="1" bordercolor="#dcdcdc" rules="cols" class="issuetable">
111 | = <tr>
112 | = <td colspan="7" class="issuetitle" _locID="ConversionIssues">Conversion Issues - <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>:</td>
113 | = </tr>
114 | =
115 | = <xsl:for-each select="event[@error-level!='3']">
116 | = <xsl:if test="@error-level!='4'">
117 | = <tr>
118 | = <td class="issuenone" style="border-bottom:solid 1 lightgray">
119 | = <xsl:value-of select="@description"/>
120 | = </td>
121 | = </tr>
122 | = </xsl:if>
123 | = </xsl:for-each>
124 | = </table>
125 | = </td>
126 | = </tr>
127 | = </xsl:if>
128 | = </xsl:for-each>
129 | =
130 | = <tr valign="top">
131 | = <td class="foot">
132 | = <xsl:if test="count(source)!=1">
133 | = <xsl:value-of select="count(source)"/> files
134 | = </xsl:if>
135 | = <xsl:if test="count(source)=1">
136 | = 1 file
137 | = </xsl:if>
138 | = </td>
139 | = <td class="foot">
140 | = Converted: <xsl:value-of select="count(source/event[@error-level='3' and @description='Converted'])"/><BR />
141 | = Not converted <xsl:value-of select="count(source) - count(source/event[@error-level='3' and @description='Converted'])"/>
142 | = </td>
143 | = <td class="foot"><xsl:value-of select="count(source/event[@error-level='2'])"/></td>
144 | = <td class="foot"><xsl:value-of select="count(source/event[@error-level='1'])"/></td>
145 | = </tr>
146 | = </table>
147 | = </xsl:for-each>
148 | = </xsl:template>
149 | =
150 | = <xsl:template match="Property">
151 | = <xsl:if test="@Name!='Date' and @Name!='Time' and @Name!='LogNumber' and @Name!='Solution'">
152 | = <tr><td nowrap="1"><b><xsl:value-of select="@Name"/>: </b><xsl:value-of select="@Value"/></td></tr>
153 | = </xsl:if>
154 | = </xsl:template>
155 | =
156 | = <xsl:template match="UpgradeLog">
157 | = <html>
158 | = <head>
159 | = <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
160 | = <link rel="stylesheet" href="_UpgradeReport_Files\UpgradeReport.css" />
161 | = <title>Conversion Report 
162 | = <xsl:if test="Properties/Property[@Name='LogNumber']">
163 | = <xsl:value-of select="Properties/Property[@Name='LogNumber']/@Value"/>
164 | = </xsl:if>
165 | = </title>
166 | = <script language="javascript">
167 | = function outliner () {
168 | = oMe = window.event.srcElement
169 | = //get child element
170 | = var child = document.all[event.srcElement.getAttribute("child",false)];
171 | = //if child element exists, expand or collapse it.
172 | = if (null != child)
173 | = child.className = child.className == "collapsed" ? "expanded" : "collapsed";
174 | = }
175 | =
176 | = function changepic() {
177 | = uMe = window.event.srcElement;
178 | = var check = uMe.src.toLowerCase();
179 | = if (check.lastIndexOf("upgradereport_plus.gif") != -1)
180 | = {
181 | = uMe.src = "_UpgradeReport_Files/UpgradeReport_Minus.gif"
182 | = }
183 | = else
184 | = {
185 | = uMe.src = "_UpgradeReport_Files/UpgradeReport_Plus.gif"
186 | = }
187 | = }
188 | = </script>
189 | = </head>
190 | = <body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" rightmargin="0" onclick="outliner();">
191 | = <h1 _locID="ConversionReport">Conversion Report - <xsl:value-of select="Properties/Property[@Name='Solution']/@Value"/></h1>
192 | =
193 | = <p><span class="note">
194 | = <b>Time of Conversion:</b>  <xsl:value-of select="Properties/Property[@Name='Date']/@Value"/>  <xsl:value-of select="Properties/Property[@Name='Time']/@Value"/><br/>
195 | = </span></p>
196 | =
197 | = <xsl:variable name="SortedEvents">
198 | = <Events>
199 | = <xsl:for-each select="Event">
200 | = <xsl:sort select="@Project" order="ascending"/>
201 | = <xsl:sort select="@Source" order="ascending"/>
202 | = <xsl:sort select="@ErrorLevel" order="ascending"/>
203 | = <Event>
204 | = <xsl:attribute name="Project"><xsl:value-of select="@Project"/> </xsl:attribute>
205 | = <xsl:attribute name="Solution"><xsl:value-of select="/UpgradeLog/Properties/Property[@Name='Solution']/@Value"/> </xsl:attribute>
206 | = <xsl:attribute name="Source"><xsl:value-of select="@Source"/> </xsl:attribute>
207 | = <xsl:attribute name="ErrorLevel"><xsl:value-of select="@ErrorLevel"/> </xsl:attribute>
208 | = <xsl:attribute name="Description"><xsl:value-of select="@Description"/> </xsl:attribute>
209 | = </Event>
210 | = </xsl:for-each>
211 | = </Events>
212 | = </xsl:variable>
213 | =
214 | = <xsl:variable name="Projects">
215 | = <xsl:apply-templates select="msxsl:node-set($SortedEvents)/*" mode="createProjects"/>
216 | = </xsl:variable>
217 | =
218 | = <xsl:apply-templates select="msxsl:node-set($Projects)/*"/>
219 | =
220 | = <p></p><p>
221 | = <table class="note">
222 | = <tr>
223 | = <td nowrap="1">
224 | = <b>Conversion Settings</b>
225 | = </td>
226 | = </tr>
227 | = <xsl:apply-templates select="Properties"/>
228 | = </table></p>
229 | = </body>
230 | = </html>
231 | = </xsl:template>
232 | =</xsl:stylesheet>