Ticket #290: overview.rst.patch

File overview.rst.patch, 994 bytes (added by Frank J Bruzzaniti, 15 years ago)

Updated doco for .docx .dotx .xlsx .xltx .pptx .potx .ppsx

  • .rst

    old new  
    194194* OpenDocument format documents (.odt, .ods, .odp, .odg, .odc, .odf, .odb,
    195195  .odi, .odm, .ott, .ots, .otp, .otg, .otc, .otf, .oti, .oth) if unzip is
    196196  available
    197 * MS Word documents (.doc, .dot) if antiword is available
    198 * MS Excel documents (.xls, .xlb, .xlt) if xls2csv is available (comes with catdoc)
    199 * MS Powerpoint documents (.ppt, .pps) if catppt is available (comes with catdoc)
     197* MS Word documents (.docx .dotx) and (.doc, .dot) if antiword is available
     198* MS Excel documents (.xlsx .xltx) and (.xls, .xlb, .xlt) if xls2csv is available (comes with catdoc)
     199* MS Powerpoint documents (.pptx .potx .ppsx) and (.ppt, .pps) if catppt is available (comes with catdoc)
    200200* Wordperfect documents (.wpd) if wpd2text is available (comes with libwpd)
    201201* MS Works documents (.wps, .wpt) if wps2text is available (comes with libwps)
    202202* AbiWord documents (.abw)