
Release Overview for 1.4.23

This page contains a high level description of the most notable changes in this release. For full details of user-visible changes, see the NEWS files in each module:

See also the full list of bug reports marked as fixed in this release.


  • Add FLAG_NGRAMS as a preferred new alias for FLAG_CJK_NGRAM and SNIPPET_NGRAMS as a preferred new alias for SNIPPET_CJK_NGRAM. In the next release series these features have been expanded to cover many more languages so the "CJK" in the name has become inaccurate as it stands for "Chinese, Japanese and Korean").

glass backend

  • Avoid unnecessary copying of data when adding an item to a B-tree table which should speed up indexing a bit.

chert backend

  • Fix wdf upper bounds used when search a modified chert-format WritableDatabase object. A bug introduced in 1.4.19 meant we were using the wdf upper bounds from the last committed version of the database. This bug could cause assertion failures when configured with --enable-assertions.


  • xapian-progsrv,xapian-tcpsrv: Support multiple DBs with --writable.

Python bindings

  • Fix bug in wrapper for xapian.Query when constructing OP_WILDCARD queries. A workaround for this bug which works with existing releases is to pass 0 for the third and fourth optional parameters like so:

xapian.Query(xapian.Query.OP_WILDCARD, "xyz", 0, 0)

This is fixed for both Python 2 and Python 3.

Last modified 10 months ago Last modified on 07/07/23 03:54:21
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