
Release Overview for 1.0.8

This page contains a high level description of the more notable changes made for release 1.0.8. For full details of user-visible changes, see the NEWS files in each module:

Flint backend

  • Fix WritableDatabase::add_document() and replace_document() not to be O(n*n) in the number of values in the new document.
  • Fix handling of a table created lazily after the database has had commits, and which is then cursored while still in sequential mode.
  • Fix failure to remove all the Btree entries in some cases when all the postings for a term are removed (bug#287).
  • xapian-inspect: Show the help message on start-up. Correct the documented alias for next from ' ' to ''. Avoid reading outside of input string when it is empty (bug#286).

Quartz backend

  • Backport fix from flint for WritableDatabase::add_document() and replace_document() not to be O(n*n) in the number of values in the new document.

Python bindings

  • Fix mangling of exceptions thrown from Python subclasses of Xapian classes (bug#289).
  • Fix memory leaks in the xapian.Query constructor (bug#294).


  • If the character encoding is specified using <meta http-equiv=...> in an HTML document then reparse the document if it isn't the encoding we're already using so that any preceding <title> is converted correctly (bug#292).

  • Convert text from meta tag parameters to UTF-8 (bug#293).

  • Handle <meta charset="..."> (new in HTML 5).

  • Fix bug in HTML tag parameter parsing which was probably just a small performance penalty in real world cases, but could perhaps result in parsing bogus extra parameters in carefully contrived situations.
  • Add missing <signal.h> which caused compilation to fail on at least FreeBSD.
Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on 26/01/16 10:10:43
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