
You will probably also find our tips for students applying to work with us helpful.

If you're just wanting to know what ideas are available, see our list of project ideas.

The Xapian project has several mailing lists, but we've decided that the development mailing list is the most appropriate for GSoC discussions - please use this one in preference.

Posts from non-subscribers currently require approval (we'd rather not have to impose this restriction, but we also want to avoid relaying spam to our subscribers). So if you aren't subscribed, there's likely to be a delay (typically less than 24 hours) before your message is approved and relayed to the list. Please be patient and don't resend a message just because it doesn't appear right away.

Ways to access the mailing list:

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Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on 26/02/20 19:45:10
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