set srcdir=. copy "C:\gnu\zlib123-dll\zlib1.dll" 1 file(s) copied. apitest -v Running tests with backend "none"... Running test: trivial1... ok Running test: getqterms1... ok Running test: getqterms2... ok Running test: emptyquery2... ok Running test: emptyquery3... ok Running test: querylen1... ok Running test: querylen2... ok Running test: queryvalid1... ok Running test: subqcollapse1... ok Running test: emptyquerypart1... ok Running test: singlesubq1... ok Running test: stemlangs1... ok Running test: weight1... ok Running test: nosuchdb1... ok Running test: addvalue1... ok Running test: poscollapse2... ok Running test: uninitdb1... ok Running test: scaleweight3... ok Running test: scaleweight4... ok Running test: rset3... ok Running test: rset4... ok Running test: opvaluege1... ok Running test: valuesetmatchdecider1... ok Running test: emptymset1... ok Running test: utf8iterator1... ok Running test: utf8iterator2... ok Running test: unicode1... ok Running test: caseconvert1... ok Running test: caseconvert2... ok Running test: defaultctor1... ok Running test: copyassign1... ok .\apitest.EXE backend none: All 31 tests passed. Running tests with backend "inmemory"... Running test: zerodocid1... ok Running test: emptyquery1... ok Running test: simplequery1... ok Running test: simplequery2... ok Running test: simplequery3... ok Running test: wildquery1... ok Running test: multidb1... ok Running test: msetmaxitems1... ok Running test: expandweights1... ok Running test: expandweights2... ok Running test: expandmaxitems1... ok Running test: boolquery1... ok Running test: msetfirst1... ok Running test: topercent1... ok Running test: topercent2... ok Running test: expandfunctor1... ok Running test: pctcutoff1... ok Running test: pctcutoff2... ok Running test: pctcutoff3... ok Running test: cutoff1... ok Running test: allowqterms1... ok Running test: maxattain1... ok Running test: reversebool1... ok Running test: reversebool2... ok Running test: getmterms1... ok Running test: getmterms2... ok Running test: poscollapse1... ok Running test: repeatquery1... ok Running test: fetchdocs1... ok Running test: absentterm1... ok Running test: absentterm2... ok Running test: rset1... ok Running test: rset2... ok Running test: eliteset1... ok Running test: eliteset2... ok Running test: eliteset3... ok Running test: eliteset4... ok Running test: eliteset5... ok Running test: termlisttermfreq1... ok Running test: qterminfo1... ok Running test: qterminfo2... ok Running test: msetzeroitems1... ok Running test: matches1... ok Running test: wqf1... ok Running test: qlen1... ok Running test: termlist1... ok Running test: termlist2... ok Running test: termlist3... ok Running test: termlist4... ok Running test: puncterms1... ok Running test: spaceterms1... ok Running test: xor1... ok Running test: getdoc1... ok Running test: emptyop1... ok Running test: checkatleast1... ok Running test: checkatleast2... ok Running test: checkatleast3... ok Running test: allpostlist1... ok Running test: emptyterm1... ok Running test: valuerange1... ok Running test: valuege1... ok Running test: valuele1... ok Running test: scaleweight1... ok Running test: scaleweight2... ok Running test: bm25weight1... ok Running test: tradweight1... ok Running test: termstats... ok Running test: matchfunctor3... ok Running test: msetiterator1... ok Running test: msetiterator2... ok Running test: msetiterator3... ok Running test: esetiterator1... ok Running test: esetiterator2... ok Running test: collapsekey1... ok Running test: collapsekey2... Don't have a suitable database currently SKIPPED Running test: collapsekey3... ok Running test: collapsekey4... ok Running test: allterms1... ok Running test: allterms2... ok Running test: allterms3... ok Running test: allterms4... ok Running test: allterms5... ok Running test: allterms6... ok Running test: specialterms1... ok Running test: specialterms2... ok Running test: postlist1... ok Running test: postlist2... ok Running test: postlist3... ok Running test: postlist4... ok Running test: postlist5... ok Running test: postlist6... ok Running test: collfreq1... ok Running test: sortvalue1... ok Running test: sortrel1... ok Running test: matchall1... ok Running test: changesorter1... ok Running test: multidb2... ok Running test: multidb3... ok Running test: multidb4... ok Running test: multidb5... ok Running test: rsetmultidb1... ok Running test: rsetmultidb3... ok Running test: uuid1... Test not supported for inmemory backend SKIPPED Running test: rsetmultidb2... ok Running test: multiexpand1... ok Running test: matchfunctor1... ok Running test: matchfunctor2... ok Running test: consistency1... ok Running test: userweight1... ok Running test: valuesetmatchdecider2... ok Running test: valueweightsource1... ok Running test: fixedweightsource1... ok Running test: sortfunctor1... ok Running test: externalsource1... ok Running test: externalsource3... ok Running test: externalsource4... ok Running test: valueweightsource2... ok Running test: valueweightsource3... ok Running test: valuerange2... ok Running test: alldocspl1... ok Running test: alldocspl2... ok Running test: near1... ok Running test: near2... ok Running test: phrase1... ok Running test: phrase2... ok Running test: poslist1... ok Running test: positfromtermit1... ok Running test: poslist2... ok Running test: poslist3... ok Running test: adddoc1... ok Running test: adddoc2... ok Running test: adddoc3... ok Running test: adddoc4... ok Running test: adddoc5... Test not supported for inmemory backend SKIPPED Running test: adddoc6... Test not supported for inmemory backend SKIPPED Running test: implicitendsession1... ok Running test: databaseassign1... ok Running test: deldoc1... ok Running test: deldoc2... ok Running test: deldoc3... ok Running test: deldoc4... ok Running test: deldoc5... ok Running test: deldoc6... ok Running test: replacedoc1... ok Running test: replacedoc2... ok Running test: replacedoc3... ok Running test: replacedoc4... ok Running test: replacedoc5... ok Running test: replacedoc6... ok Running test: uniqueterm1... ok Running test: allpostlist2... ok Running test: emptyterm2... ok Running test: phraseorneartoand1... ok Running test: longpositionlist1... ok Running test: crashrecovery1... Test only supported for flint and chert backends SKIPPED Running test: nomoredocids1... Test not supported for inmemory backend SKIPPED Running test: metadata1... ok Running test: termtoolong1... Test not supported for inmemory backend SKIPPED Running test: postlist7... ok Running test: bigoaddvalue... Adding a document with 5000 values took 0 seconds Adding a document with 50000 values took 0.219 seconds Timer granularity is too coarse SKIPPED Running test: modifyvalues1... ok Running test: sortfunctor2... ok .\apitest.EXE backend inmemory: All 154 tests passed, 8 skipped. Running tests with backend "chert"... Running test: zerodocid1... ok Running test: emptyquery1... ok Running test: simplequery1... ok Running test: simplequery2... ok Running test: simplequery3... ok Running test: wildquery1... ok Running test: multidb1... ok Running test: msetmaxitems1... ok Running test: expandweights1... ok Running test: expandweights2... ok Running test: expandmaxitems1... ok Running test: boolquery1... ok Running test: msetfirst1... ok Running test: topercent1... ok Running test: topercent2... ok Running test: expandfunctor1... ok Running test: pctcutoff1... ok Running test: pctcutoff2... ok Running test: pctcutoff3... ok Running test: cutoff1... ok Running test: allowqterms1... ok Running test: maxattain1... ok Running test: reversebool1... ok Running test: reversebool2... ok Running test: getmterms1... ok Running test: getmterms2... ok Running test: poscollapse1... ok Running test: repeatquery1... ok Running test: fetchdocs1... ok Running test: absentterm1... ok Running test: absentterm2... ok Running test: rset1... ok Running test: rset2... ok Running test: eliteset1... ok Running test: eliteset2... ok Running test: eliteset3... ok Running test: eliteset4... ok Running test: eliteset5... ok Running test: termlisttermfreq1... ok Running test: qterminfo1... ok Running test: qterminfo2... ok Running test: msetzeroitems1... ok Running test: matches1... ok Running test: wqf1... ok Running test: qlen1... ok Running test: termlist1... ok Running test: termlist2... ok Running test: termlist3... ok Running test: termlist4... ok Running test: puncterms1... ok Running test: spaceterms1... ok Running test: xor1... ok Running test: getdoc1... ok Running test: emptyop1... ok Running test: checkatleast1... ok Running test: checkatleast2... ok Running test: checkatleast3... ok Running test: allpostlist1... ok Running test: emptyterm1... ok Running test: valuerange1... ok Running test: valuege1... ok Running test: valuele1... ok Running test: scaleweight1... ok Running test: scaleweight2... ok Running test: bm25weight1... ok Running test: tradweight1... ok Running test: termstats... ok Running test: matchfunctor3... ok Running test: msetiterator1... ok Running test: msetiterator2... ok Running test: msetiterator3... ok Running test: esetiterator1... ok Running test: esetiterator2... ok Running test: collapsekey1... ok Running test: collapsekey2... Don't have a suitable database currently SKIPPED Running test: collapsekey3... ok Running test: collapsekey4... ok Running test: allterms1... ok Running test: allterms2... ok Running test: allterms3... ok Running test: allterms4... ok Running test: allterms5... ok Running test: allterms6... ok Running test: specialterms1... ok Running test: specialterms2... ok Running test: postlist1... ok Running test: postlist2... ok Running test: postlist3... ok Running test: postlist4... ok Running test: postlist5... ok Running test: postlist6... ok Running test: collfreq1... ok Running test: sortvalue1... ok Running test: sortrel1... ok Running test: matchall1... ok Running test: changesorter1... ok Running test: multidb2... ok Running test: multidb3... ok Running test: multidb4... ok Running test: multidb5... ok Running test: rsetmultidb1... ok Running test: rsetmultidb3... ok Running test: uuid1... ok Running test: rsetmultidb2... ok Running test: multiexpand1... ok Running test: matchfunctor1... ok Running test: matchfunctor2... ok Running test: consistency1... ok Running test: userweight1... ok Running test: valuesetmatchdecider2... ok Running test: valueweightsource1... ok Running test: fixedweightsource1... ok Running test: sortfunctor1... ok Running test: externalsource1... ok Running test: externalsource3... ok Running test: externalsource4... ok Running test: valueweightsource2... ok Running test: valueweightsource3... ok Running test: valuerange2... ok Running test: alldocspl1... ok Running test: alldocspl2... ok Running test: cursordelbug1... ok Running test: stubdb1... ok Running test: stubdb2... ok Running test: stubdb3... ok Running test: stubdb4... ok Running test: stubdb5... ok Running test: stubdb6... ok Running test: metadata2... ok Running test: metadata3... ok Running test: metadata4... ok Running test: metadata5... ok Running test: near1... ok Running test: near2... ok Running test: phrase1... ok Running test: phrase2... ok Running test: poslist1... ok Running test: positfromtermit1... ok Running test: poslist2... ok Running test: poslist3... ok Running test: replicate1... ok Running test: spell1... ok Running test: spell2... ok Running test: spell3... ok Running test: spell4... ok Running test: spell5... ok Running test: spell6... ok Running test: badtransaction1... ok Running test: committransaction1... ok Running test: canceltransaction1... ok Running test: canceltransaction2... ok Running test: adddoc1... ok Running test: adddoc2... ok Running test: adddoc3... ok Running test: adddoc4... ok Running test: adddoc5... ok Running test: adddoc6... ok Running test: implicitendsession1... ok Running test: databaseassign1... ok Running test: deldoc1... ok Running test: deldoc2... ok Running test: deldoc3... ok Running test: deldoc4... ok Running test: deldoc5... ok Running test: deldoc6... ok Running test: replacedoc1... ok Running test: replacedoc2... ok Running test: replacedoc3... ok Running test: replacedoc4... ok Running test: replacedoc5... ok Running test: replacedoc6... ok Running test: uniqueterm1... ok Running test: allpostlist2... ok Running test: emptyterm2... ok Running test: phraseorneartoand1... ok Running test: longpositionlist1... ok Running test: crashrecovery1... ok Running test: nomoredocids1... ok Running test: metadata1... ok Running test: termtoolong1... ok Running test: postlist7... ok Running test: bigoaddvalue... ok Running test: modifyvalues1... ok Running test: sortfunctor2... ok Running test: lazytablebug1... ok Running test: writeread1... ok Running test: synonymitor1... ok .\apitest.EXE backend chert: All 186 tests passed, 1 skipped. Running tests with backend "flint"... Running test: zerodocid1... ok Running test: emptyquery1... ok Running test: simplequery1... ok Running test: simplequery2... ok Running test: simplequery3... ok Running test: wildquery1... ok Running test: multidb1... ok Running test: msetmaxitems1... ok Running test: expandweights1... ok Running test: expandweights2... ok Running test: expandmaxitems1... ok Running test: boolquery1... ok Running test: msetfirst1... ok Running test: topercent1... ok Running test: topercent2... ok Running test: expandfunctor1... ok Running test: pctcutoff1... ok Running test: pctcutoff2... ok Running test: pctcutoff3... ok Running test: cutoff1... ok Running test: allowqterms1... ok Running test: maxattain1... ok Running test: reversebool1... ok Running test: reversebool2... ok Running test: getmterms1... ok Running test: getmterms2... ok Running test: poscollapse1... ok Running test: repeatquery1... ok Running test: fetchdocs1... ok Running test: absentterm1... ok Running test: absentterm2... ok Running test: rset1... ok Running test: rset2... ok Running test: eliteset1... ok Running test: eliteset2... ok Running test: eliteset3... ok Running test: eliteset4... ok Running test: eliteset5... ok Running test: termlisttermfreq1... ok Running test: qterminfo1... ok Running test: qterminfo2... ok Running test: msetzeroitems1... ok Running test: matches1... ok Running test: wqf1... ok Running test: qlen1... ok Running test: termlist1... ok Running test: termlist2... ok Running test: termlist3... ok Running test: termlist4... ok Running test: puncterms1... ok Running test: spaceterms1... ok Running test: xor1... ok Running test: getdoc1... ok Running test: emptyop1... ok Running test: checkatleast1... ok Running test: checkatleast2... ok Running test: checkatleast3... ok Running test: allpostlist1... ok Running test: emptyterm1... ok Running test: valuerange1... ok Running test: valuege1... ok Running test: valuele1... ok Running test: scaleweight1... ok Running test: scaleweight2... ok Running test: bm25weight1... ok Running test: tradweight1... ok Running test: termstats... ok Running test: matchfunctor3... ok Running test: msetiterator1... ok Running test: msetiterator2... ok Running test: msetiterator3... ok Running test: esetiterator1... ok Running test: esetiterator2... ok Running test: collapsekey1... ok Running test: collapsekey2... Don't have a suitable database currently SKIPPED Running test: collapsekey3... ok Running test: collapsekey4... ok Running test: allterms1... ok Running test: allterms2... ok Running test: allterms3... ok Running test: allterms4... ok Running test: allterms5... ok Running test: allterms6... ok Running test: specialterms1... ok Running test: specialterms2... ok Running test: postlist1... ok Running test: postlist2... ok Running test: postlist3... ok Running test: postlist4... ok Running test: postlist5... ok Running test: postlist6... ok Running test: collfreq1... ok Running test: sortvalue1... ok Running test: sortrel1... ok Running test: matchall1... ok Running test: changesorter1... ok Running test: multidb2... ok Running test: multidb3... ok Running test: multidb4... ok Running test: multidb5... ok Running test: rsetmultidb1... ok Running test: rsetmultidb3... ok Running test: uuid1... ok Running test: rsetmultidb2... ok Running test: multiexpand1... ok Running test: matchfunctor1... ok Running test: matchfunctor2... ok Running test: consistency1... ok Running test: userweight1... ok Running test: valuesetmatchdecider2... ok Running test: valueweightsource1... ok Running test: fixedweightsource1... ok Running test: sortfunctor1... ok Running test: externalsource1... ok Running test: externalsource3... ok Running test: externalsource4... ok Running test: valuerange2... ok Running test: alldocspl1... ok Running test: alldocspl2... ok Running test: flintdatabaseopeningerror1... ok Running test: flintdatabaseformaterror1... ok Running test: flintdatabaseformaterror2....\testdata\flint-0.9.9\flicklock .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\iamflint .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\position.baseA .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\position.DB .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\postlist.baseA .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\postlist.DB .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\record.baseA .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\record.DB .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\termlist.baseA .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\termlist.DB .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\value.baseA .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\value.DB 12 File(s) copied .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\flicklock .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\iamflint .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\position.baseA .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\position.DB .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\postlist.baseA .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\postlist.DB .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\record.baseA .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\record.DB .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\termlist.baseA .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\termlist.DB .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\value.baseA .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\value.DB 12 File(s) copied ok Running test: flintdatabaseformaterror3....\testdata\flint-0.9.9\flicklock .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\iamflint .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\position.baseA .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\position.DB .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\postlist.baseA .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\postlist.DB .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\record.baseA .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\record.DB .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\termlist.baseA .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\termlist.DB .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\value.baseA .\testdata\flint-0.9.9\value.DB 12 File(s) copied ok Running test: flintbackwardcompat1....\testdata\flint-1.0.1\flintlock .\testdata\flint-1.0.1\iamflint .\testdata\flint-1.0.1\position.baseA .\testdata\flint-1.0.1\position.DB .\testdata\flint-1.0.1\postlist.baseA .\testdata\flint-1.0.1\postlist.DB .\testdata\flint-1.0.1\record.baseA .\testdata\flint-1.0.1\record.DB .\testdata\flint-1.0.1\termlist.baseA .\testdata\flint-1.0.1\termlist.DB .\testdata\flint-1.0.1\value.baseA .\testdata\flint-1.0.1\value.DB 12 File(s) copied ok Running test: flintbackwardcompat2....\testdata\flint-1.0.2\flintlock .\testdata\flint-1.0.2\iamflint .\testdata\flint-1.0.2\postlist.baseA .\testdata\flint-1.0.2\postlist.DB .\testdata\flint-1.0.2\record.baseA .\testdata\flint-1.0.2\record.DB .\testdata\flint-1.0.2\termlist.baseA .\testdata\flint-1.0.2\termlist.DB 8 File(s) copied ok Running test: flintdatabaseopen1... ok Running test: cursordelbug1... ok Running test: stubdb1... ok Running test: stubdb2... ok Running test: stubdb3... ok Running test: stubdb4... ok Running test: stubdb5... ok Running test: stubdb6... ok Running test: metadata2... ok Running test: metadata3... ok Running test: metadata4... ok Running test: metadata5... ok Running test: near1... ok Running test: near2... ok Running test: phrase1... ok Running test: phrase2... ok Running test: poslist1... ok Running test: positfromtermit1... ok Running test: poslist2... ok Running test: poslist3... ok Running test: replicate1... ok Running test: spell1... ok Running test: spell2... ok Running test: spell3... ok Running test: spell4... ok Running test: spell5... ok Running test: spell6... ok Running test: badtransaction1... ok Running test: committransaction1... ok Running test: canceltransaction1... ok Running test: canceltransaction2... ok Running test: adddoc1... ok Running test: adddoc2... ok Running test: adddoc3... ok Running test: adddoc4... ok Running test: adddoc5... ok Running test: adddoc6... ok Running test: implicitendsession1... ok Running test: databaseassign1... ok Running test: deldoc1... ok Running test: deldoc2... ok Running test: deldoc3... ok Running test: deldoc4... ok Running test: deldoc5... ok Running test: deldoc6... ok Running test: replacedoc1... ok Running test: replacedoc2... ok Running test: replacedoc3... ok Running test: replacedoc4... ok Running test: replacedoc5... ok Running test: replacedoc6... ok Running test: uniqueterm1... ok Running test: allpostlist2... ok Running test: emptyterm2... ok Running test: phraseorneartoand1... ok Running test: longpositionlist1... ok Running test: crashrecovery1... ok Running test: nomoredocids1... ok Running test: metadata1... ok Running test: termtoolong1... ok Running test: postlist7... ok Running test: bigoaddvalue... ok Running test: modifyvalues1... ok Running test: sortfunctor2... ok Running test: lazytablebug1... ok Running test: writeread1... ok Running test: synonymitor1... ok .\apitest.EXE backend flint: All 191 tests passed, 1 skipped. Running tests with backend "multi_chert"... Running test: zerodocid1... ok Running test: emptyquery1... ok Running test: simplequery1... ok Running test: simplequery2... ok Running test: simplequery3... ok Running test: wildquery1... ok Running test: multidb1... ok Running test: msetmaxitems1... ok Running test: expandweights1... ok Running test: expandweights2... ok Running test: expandmaxitems1... ok Running test: boolquery1... ok Running test: msetfirst1... ok Running test: topercent1... ok Running test: topercent2... ok Running test: expandfunctor1... ok Running test: pctcutoff1... ok Running test: pctcutoff2... ok Running test: pctcutoff3... ok Running test: cutoff1... ok Running test: allowqterms1... ok Running test: maxattain1... ok Running test: reversebool1... ok Running test: reversebool2... ok Running test: getmterms1... ok Running test: getmterms2... ok Running test: poscollapse1... ok Running test: repeatquery1... ok Running test: fetchdocs1... ok Running test: absentterm1... ok Running test: absentterm2... ok Running test: rset1... ok Running test: rset2... ok Running test: eliteset1... Test not supported for multi backend SKIPPED Running test: eliteset2... Test not supported for multi backend SKIPPED Running test: eliteset3... ok Running test: eliteset4... Test not supported for multi backend SKIPPED Running test: eliteset5... Test not supported for multi backend SKIPPED Running test: termlisttermfreq1... ok Running test: qterminfo1... ok Running test: qterminfo2... ok Running test: msetzeroitems1... ok Running test: matches1... ok Running test: wqf1... ok Running test: qlen1... ok Running test: termlist1... ok Running test: termlist2... ok Running test: termlist3... ok Running test: termlist4... ok Running test: puncterms1... ok Running test: spaceterms1... ok Running test: xor1... ok Running test: getdoc1... ok Running test: emptyop1... ok Running test: checkatleast1... ok Running test: checkatleast2... ok Running test: checkatleast3... ok Running test: allpostlist1... ok Running test: emptyterm1... ok Running test: valuerange1... ok Running test: valuege1... ok Running test: valuele1... ok Running test: scaleweight1... ok Running test: scaleweight2... ok Running test: bm25weight1... ok Running test: tradweight1... ok Running test: termstats... ok Running test: matchfunctor3... ok Running test: msetiterator1... ok Running test: msetiterator2... ok Running test: msetiterator3... ok Running test: esetiterator1... ok Running test: esetiterator2... ok Running test: collapsekey1... ok Running test: collapsekey2... Don't have a suitable database currently SKIPPED Running test: collapsekey3... ok Running test: collapsekey4... ok Running test: allterms1... ok Running test: allterms2... ok Running test: allterms3... ok Running test: allterms4... ok Running test: allterms5... ok Running test: allterms6... ok Running test: specialterms1... ok Running test: specialterms2... ok Running test: postlist1... ok Running test: postlist2... ok Running test: postlist3... ok Running test: postlist4... ok Running test: postlist5... ok Running test: postlist6... ok Running test: collfreq1... ok Running test: sortvalue1... ok Running test: sortrel1... ok Running test: matchall1... ok Running test: changesorter1... ok Running test: matchfunctor1... ok Running test: matchfunctor2... ok Running test: consistency1... ok Running test: userweight1... ok Running test: valuesetmatchdecider2... ok Running test: valueweightsource1... Test not supported for multi backend SKIPPED Running test: fixedweightsource1... Test not supported for multi backend SKIPPED Running test: sortfunctor1... ok Running test: valueweightsource2... Test not supported for multi backend SKIPPED Running test: valueweightsource3... Test not supported for multi backend SKIPPED Running test: stubdb1... ok Running test: stubdb2... ok Running test: stubdb3... ok Running test: stubdb4... ok Running test: stubdb5... ok Running test: stubdb6... ok Running test: near1... ok Running test: near2... ok Running test: phrase1... ok Running test: phrase2... ok Running test: poslist1... ok Running test: positfromtermit1... ok .\apitest.EXE backend multi_chert: All 109 tests passed, 9 skipped. Running tests with backend "multi_flint"... Running test: zerodocid1... ok Running test: emptyquery1... ok Running test: simplequery1... ok Running test: simplequery2... ok Running test: simplequery3... ok Running test: wildquery1... ok Running test: multidb1... ok Running test: msetmaxitems1... ok Running test: expandweights1... ok Running test: expandweights2... ok Running test: expandmaxitems1... ok Running test: boolquery1... ok Running test: msetfirst1... ok Running test: topercent1... ok Running test: topercent2... ok Running test: expandfunctor1... ok Running test: pctcutoff1... ok Running test: pctcutoff2... ok Running test: pctcutoff3... ok Running test: cutoff1... ok Running test: allowqterms1... ok Running test: maxattain1... ok Running test: reversebool1... ok Running test: reversebool2... ok Running test: getmterms1... ok Running test: getmterms2... ok Running test: poscollapse1... ok Running test: repeatquery1... ok Running test: fetchdocs1... ok Running test: absentterm1... ok Running test: absentterm2... ok Running test: rset1... ok Running test: rset2... ok Running test: eliteset1... Test not supported for multi backend SKIPPED Running test: eliteset2... Test not supported for multi backend SKIPPED Running test: eliteset3... ok Running test: eliteset4... Test not supported for multi backend SKIPPED Running test: eliteset5... Test not supported for multi backend SKIPPED Running test: termlisttermfreq1... ok Running test: qterminfo1... ok Running test: qterminfo2... ok Running test: msetzeroitems1... ok Running test: matches1... ok Running test: wqf1... ok Running test: qlen1... ok Running test: termlist1... ok Running test: termlist2... ok Running test: termlist3... ok Running test: termlist4... ok Running test: puncterms1... ok Running test: spaceterms1... ok Running test: xor1... ok Running test: getdoc1... ok Running test: emptyop1... ok Running test: checkatleast1... ok Running test: checkatleast2... ok Running test: checkatleast3... ok Running test: allpostlist1... ok Running test: emptyterm1... ok Running test: valuerange1... ok Running test: valuege1... ok Running test: valuele1... ok Running test: scaleweight1... ok Running test: scaleweight2... ok Running test: bm25weight1... ok Running test: tradweight1... ok Running test: termstats... ok Running test: matchfunctor3... ok Running test: msetiterator1... ok Running test: msetiterator2... ok Running test: msetiterator3... ok Running test: esetiterator1... ok Running test: esetiterator2... ok Running test: collapsekey1... ok Running test: collapsekey2... Don't have a suitable database currently SKIPPED Running test: collapsekey3... ok Running test: collapsekey4... ok Running test: allterms1... ok Running test: allterms2... ok Running test: allterms3... ok Running test: allterms4... ok Running test: allterms5... ok Running test: allterms6... ok Running test: specialterms1... ok Running test: specialterms2... ok Running test: postlist1... ok Running test: postlist2... ok Running test: postlist3... ok Running test: postlist4... ok Running test: postlist5... ok Running test: postlist6... ok Running test: collfreq1... ok Running test: sortvalue1... ok Running test: sortrel1... ok Running test: matchall1... ok Running test: changesorter1... ok Running test: matchfunctor1... ok Running test: matchfunctor2... ok Running test: consistency1... ok Running test: userweight1... ok Running test: valuesetmatchdecider2... ok Running test: valueweightsource1... Test not supported for multi backend SKIPPED Running test: fixedweightsource1... Test not supported for multi backend SKIPPED Running test: sortfunctor1... ok Running test: stubdb1... ok Running test: stubdb2... ok Running test: stubdb3... ok Running test: stubdb4... ok Running test: stubdb5... ok Running test: stubdb6... ok Running test: near1... ok Running test: near2... ok Running test: phrase1... ok Running test: phrase2... ok Running test: poslist1... ok Running test: positfromtermit1... ok .\apitest.EXE backend multi_flint: All 109 tests passed, 7 skipped. Running tests with backend "remoteprog_chert"... Running test: zerodocid1... ok Running test: emptyquery1... ok Running test: simplequery1... ok Running test: simplequery2... ok Running test: simplequery3... ok Running test: wildquery1... ok Running test: multidb1... ok Running test: msetmaxitems1... ok Running test: expandweights1... ok Running test: expandweights2... ok Running test: expandmaxitems1... ok Running test: boolquery1... ok Running test: msetfirst1... ok Running test: topercent1... ok Running test: topercent2... ok Running test: expandfunctor1... ok Running test: pctcutoff1... ok Running test: pctcutoff2... ok Running test: pctcutoff3... ok Running test: cutoff1... ok Running test: allowqterms1... ok Running test: maxattain1... ok Running test: reversebool1... ok Running test: reversebool2... ok Running test: getmterms1... ok Running test: getmterms2... ok Running test: poscollapse1... ok Running test: repeatquery1... ok Running test: fetchdocs1... ok Running test: absentterm1... ok Running test: absentterm2... ok Running test: rset1... ok Running test: rset2... ok Running test: eliteset1... ok Running test: eliteset2... ok Running test: eliteset3... ok Running test: eliteset4... ok Running test: eliteset5... ok Running test: termlisttermfreq1... ok Running test: qterminfo1... ok Running test: qterminfo2... ok Running test: msetzeroitems1... ok Running test: matches1... ok Running test: wqf1... ok Running test: qlen1... ok Running test: termlist1... ok Running test: termlist2... ok Running test: termlist3... ok Running test: termlist4... ok Running test: puncterms1... ok Running test: spaceterms1... ok Running test: xor1... ok Running test: getdoc1... ok Running test: emptyop1... ok Running test: checkatleast1... ok Running test: checkatleast2... ok Running test: checkatleast3... ok Running test: allpostlist1... ok Running test: emptyterm1... ok Running test: valuerange1... ok Running test: valuege1... ok Running test: valuele1... ok Running test: scaleweight1... ok Running test: scaleweight2... ok Running test: bm25weight1... ok Running test: tradweight1... ok Running test: termstats... ok Running test: matchfunctor3... ok Running test: msetiterator1... ok Running test: msetiterator2... ok Running test: msetiterator3... ok Running test: esetiterator1... ok Running test: esetiterator2... ok Running test: collapsekey1... ok Running test: collapsekey2... Don't have a suitable database currently SKIPPED Running test: collapsekey3... ok Running test: collapsekey4... ok Running test: allterms1... ok Running test: allterms2... ok Running test: allterms3... ok Running test: allterms4... ok Running test: allterms5... ok Running test: allterms6... ok Running test: specialterms1... ok Running test: specialterms2... ok Running test: postlist1... ok Running test: postlist2... ok Running test: postlist3... ok Running test: postlist4... ok Running test: postlist5... ok Running test: postlist6... ok Running test: collfreq1... ok Running test: sortvalue1... ok Running test: sortrel1... ok Running test: matchall1... ok Running test: changesorter1... ok Running test: multidb2... ok Running test: multidb3... ok Running test: multidb4... ok Running test: multidb5... ok Running test: rsetmultidb1... ok Running test: rsetmultidb3... ok Running test: uuid1... ok Running test: rsetmultidb2... ok Running test: multiexpand1... ok Running test: valueweightsource2... ok Running test: valueweightsource3... ok Running test: valuerange2... ok Running test: alldocspl1... ok Running test: alldocspl2... ok Running test: near1... ok Running test: near2... ok Running test: phrase1... ok Running test: phrase2... ok Running test: poslist1... ok Running test: positfromtermit1... TermList::positionlist_count() not yet implemented for this backend SKIPPED Running test: poslist2... ok Running test: poslist3... ok Running test: keepalive1... ok Running test: netstats1... ok Running test: externalsource2... ok Running test: badtransaction1... ok Running test: committransaction1... ok Running test: canceltransaction1... ok Running test: canceltransaction2... ok Running test: adddoc1... ok Running test: adddoc2... ok Running test: adddoc3... ok Running test: adddoc4... ok Running test: adddoc5... ok Running test: adddoc6... ok Running test: implicitendsession1... ok Running test: databaseassign1... ok Running test: deldoc1... ok Running test: deldoc2... ok Running test: deldoc3... ok Running test: deldoc4... ok Running test: deldoc5... ok Running test: deldoc6... ok Running test: replacedoc1... ok Running test: replacedoc2... ok Running test: replacedoc3... ok Running test: replacedoc4... ok Running test: replacedoc5... ok Running test: replacedoc6... ok Running test: uniqueterm1... ok Running test: allpostlist2... ok Running test: emptyterm2... ok Running test: phraseorneartoand1... ok Running test: longpositionlist1... ok Running test: crashrecovery1... Test only supported for flint and chert backends SKIPPED Running test: nomoredocids1... ok Running test: metadata1... Metadata not supported by this backend SKIPPED Running test: termtoolong1... ok Running test: postlist7... ok Running test: bigoaddvalue... ok Running test: modifyvalues1... ok .\apitest.EXE backend remoteprog_chert: All 153 tests passed, 4 skipped. Running tests with backend "remotetcp_chert"... Running test: zerodocid1... ok Running test: emptyquery1... ok Running test: simplequery1... ok Running test: simplequery2... ok Running test: simplequery3... ok Running test: wildquery1... ok Running test: multidb1... ok Running test: msetmaxitems1... ok Running test: expandweights1... ok Running test: expandweights2... ok Running test: expandmaxitems1... ok Running test: boolquery1... ok Running test: msetfirst1... ok Running test: topercent1... ok Running test: topercent2... ok Running test: expandfunctor1... ok Running test: pctcutoff1... ok Running test: pctcutoff2... ok Running test: pctcutoff3... ok Running test: cutoff1... ok Running test: allowqterms1... ok Running test: maxattain1... ok Running test: reversebool1... ok Running test: reversebool2... ok Running test: getmterms1... ok Running test: getmterms2... ok Running test: poscollapse1... ok Running test: repeatquery1... ok Running test: fetchdocs1... ok Running test: absentterm1... ok Running test: absentterm2... ok Running test: rset1... ok Running test: rset2... ok Running test: eliteset1... ok Running test: eliteset2... ok Running test: eliteset3... ok Running test: eliteset4... ok Running test: eliteset5... ok Running test: termlisttermfreq1... ok Running test: qterminfo1... ok Running test: qterminfo2... ok Running test: msetzeroitems1... ok Running test: matches1... ok Running test: wqf1... ok Running test: qlen1... ok Running test: termlist1... ok Running test: termlist2... ok Running test: termlist3... ok Running test: termlist4... ok Running test: puncterms1... ok Running test: spaceterms1... ok Running test: xor1... ok Running test: getdoc1... ok Running test: emptyop1... ok Running test: checkatleast1... ok Running test: checkatleast2... ok Running test: checkatleast3... ok Running test: allpostlist1... ok Running test: emptyterm1... ok Running test: valuerange1... ok Running test: valuege1... ok Running test: valuele1... ok Running test: scaleweight1... ok Running test: scaleweight2... ok Running test: bm25weight1... ok Running test: tradweight1... ok Running test: termstats... ok Running test: matchfunctor3... ok Running test: msetiterator1... ok Running test: msetiterator2... ok Running test: msetiterator3... ok Running test: esetiterator1... ok Running test: esetiterator2... ok Running test: collapsekey1... ok Running test: collapsekey2... Don't have a suitable database currently SKIPPED Running test: collapsekey3... ok Running test: collapsekey4... ok Running test: allterms1... ok Running test: allterms2... ok Running test: allterms3... ok Running test: allterms4... ok Running test: allterms5... ok Running test: allterms6... ok Running test: specialterms1... ok Running test: specialterms2... ok Running test: postlist1... ok Running test: postlist2... ok Running test: postlist3... ok Running test: postlist4... ok Running test: postlist5... ok Running test: postlist6... ok Running test: collfreq1... ok Running test: sortvalue1... ok Running test: sortrel1... ok Running test: matchall1... ok Running test: changesorter1... ok Running test: multidb2... ok Running test: multidb3... ok Running test: multidb4... ok Running test: multidb5... ok Running test: rsetmultidb1... ok Running test: rsetmultidb3... ok Running test: uuid1... ok Running test: rsetmultidb2... ok Running test: multiexpand1... NetworkErrorNetworkError: read failed (context: re mote:tcp( (Reached the end of the file.) Running test: valueweightsource2... ok Running test: valueweightsource3... ok Running test: valuerange2... ok Running test: alldocspl1... ok Running test: alldocspl2... ok Running test: near1... ok Running test: near2... NetworkErrorNetworkError: Handshake failed - is this a Xa pian server? (context: remote:tcp( Running test: phrase1... NetworkErrorNetworkError: Handshake failed - is this a Xapian server? (context: remote:tcp( Running test: phrase2... NetworkErrorNetworkError: Handshake failed - is this a Xapian server? (context: remote:tcp( Running test: poslist1... NetworkErrorNetworkError: read failed (context: remote :tcp( (Reached the end of the file.) Running test: positfromtermit1... NetworkErrorNetworkError: Handshake failed - i s this a Xapian server? (context: remote:tcp( Running test: poslist2... NetworkErrorNetworkError: Handshake failed - is this a Xapian server? (context: remote:tcp( Running test: poslist3....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the fi le because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: keepalive1... NetworkErrorNetworkError: Handshake failed - is this a Xapian server? (context: remote:tcp( Running test: netstats1... ok Running test: externalsource2... ok Running test: badtransaction1....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: committransaction1....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot acc ess the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: canceltransaction1....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot acc ess the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: canceltransaction2....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot acc ess the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: adddoc1....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the fil e because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: adddoc2....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the fil e because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: adddoc3....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the fil e because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: adddoc4....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the fil e because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: adddoc5....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the fil e because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: adddoc6....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the fil e because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: implicitendsession1....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot ac cess the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: databaseassign1....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: deldoc1....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the fil e because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: deldoc2....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the fil e because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: deldoc3....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the fil e because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: deldoc4....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the fil e because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: deldoc5....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the fil e because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: deldoc6....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the fil e because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: replacedoc1....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: replacedoc2....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: replacedoc3....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: replacedoc4....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: replacedoc5....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: replacedoc6....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: uniqueterm1....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: allpostlist2....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access th e file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: emptyterm2....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: phraseorneartoand1....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot acc ess the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: longpositionlist1....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot acce ss the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: crashrecovery1... Test only supported for flint and chert backends SKIPPED Running test: nomoredocids1....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access t he file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: metadata1....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the f ile because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: termtoolong1....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access th e file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: postlist7....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access the f ile because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: bigoaddvalue....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access th e file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw Running test: modifyvalues1....chert\dbw\chertlock - The process cannot access t he file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\postlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. .chert\dbw\record.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being us ed by another process. .chert\dbw\termlist.DB - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. DatabaseLockErrorDatabaseLockError: Unable to acquire database write lock on .c hert/dbw .\apitest.EXE backend remotetcp_chert: 111 tests passed, 44 failed, 2 skipped. Running tests with backend "remoteprog_flint"... Running test: zerodocid1... ok Running test: emptyquery1... ok Running test: simplequery1... ok Running test: simplequery2... ok Running test: simplequery3... ok Running test: wildquery1... ok Running test: multidb1... ok Running test: msetmaxitems1... ok Running test: expandweights1... ok Running test: expandweights2... ok Running test: expandmaxitems1... ok Running test: boolquery1... ok Running test: msetfirst1... ok Running test: topercent1... ok Running test: topercent2... ok Running test: expandfunctor1... ok Running test: pctcutoff1... ok Running test: pctcutoff2... ok Running test: pctcutoff3... ok Running test: cutoff1... ok Running test: allowqterms1... ok Running test: maxattain1... ok Running test: reversebool1... ok Running test: reversebool2... ok Running test: getmterms1... ok Running test: getmterms2... ok Running test: poscollapse1... ok Running test: repeatquery1... ok Running test: fetchdocs1... ok Running test: absentterm1... ok Running test: absentterm2... ok Running test: rset1... ok Running test: rset2... ok Running test: eliteset1... ok Running test: eliteset2... ok Running test: eliteset3... ok Running test: eliteset4... ok Running test: eliteset5... ok Running test: termlisttermfreq1... ok Running test: qterminfo1... ok Running test: qterminfo2... ok Running test: msetzeroitems1... ok Running test: matches1... ok Running test: wqf1... ok Running test: qlen1... ok Running test: termlist1... ok Running test: termlist2... ok Running test: termlist3... ok Running test: termlist4... ok Running test: puncterms1... ok Running test: spaceterms1... ok Running test: xor1... ok Running test: getdoc1... ok Running test: emptyop1... ok Running test: checkatleast1... ok Running test: checkatleast2... ok Running test: checkatleast3... ok Running test: allpostlist1... ok Running test: emptyterm1... ok Running test: valuerange1... ok Running test: valuege1... ok Running test: valuele1... ok Running test: scaleweight1... ok Running test: scaleweight2... ok Running test: bm25weight1... ok Running test: tradweight1... ok Running test: termstats... ok Running test: matchfunctor3... ok Running test: msetiterator1... ok Running test: msetiterator2... ok Running test: msetiterator3... ok Running test: esetiterator1... ok Running test: esetiterator2... ok Running test: collapsekey1... ok Running test: collapsekey2... Don't have a suitable database currently SKIPPED Running test: collapsekey3... ok Running test: collapsekey4... ok Running test: allterms1... ok Running test: allterms2... ok Running test: allterms3... ok Running test: allterms4... ok Running test: allterms5... ok Running test: allterms6... ok Running test: specialterms1... ok Running test: specialterms2... ok Running test: postlist1... ok Running test: postlist2... ok Running test: postlist3... ok Running test: postlist4... ok Running test: postlist5... ok Running test: postlist6... ok Running test: collfreq1... ok Running test: sortvalue1... ok Running test: sortrel1... ok Running test: matchall1... ok Running test: changesorter1... ok Running test: multidb2... ok Running test: multidb3... ok Running test: multidb4... ok Running test: multidb5... ok Running test: rsetmultidb1... ok Running test: rsetmultidb3... ok Running test: uuid1... ok Running test: rsetmultidb2... ok Running test: multiexpand1... ok Running test: valuerange2... ok Running test: alldocspl1... ok Running test: alldocspl2... ok Running test: near1... ok Running test: near2... ok Running test: phrase1... ok Running test: phrase2... ok Running test: poslist1... ok Running test: positfromtermit1... TermList::positionlist_count() not yet implemented for this backend SKIPPED Running test: poslist2... ok Running test: poslist3... ok Running test: keepalive1... ok Running test: netstats1... ok Running test: externalsource2... ok Running test: badtransaction1... ok Running test: committransaction1... ok Running test: canceltransaction1... ok Running test: canceltransaction2... ok Running test: adddoc1... ok Running test: adddoc2... ok Running test: adddoc3... ok Running test: adddoc4... ok Running test: adddoc5... ok Running test: adddoc6... ok Running test: implicitendsession1... ok Running test: databaseassign1... ok Running test: deldoc1... ok Running test: deldoc2... ok Running test: deldoc3... ok Running test: deldoc4... ok Running test: deldoc5... ok Running test: deldoc6... ok Running test: replacedoc1... ok Running test: replacedoc2... ok Running test: replacedoc3... ok Running test: replacedoc4... ok Running test: replacedoc5... ok Running test: replacedoc6... ok Running test: uniqueterm1... ok Running test: allpostlist2... ok Running test: emptyterm2... ok Running test: phraseorneartoand1... ok Running test: longpositionlist1... ok Running test: crashrecovery1... Test only supported for flint and chert backends SKIPPED Running test: nomoredocids1... ok Running test: metadata1... Metadata not supported by this backend SKIPPED Running test: termtoolong1... ok Running test: postlist7... ok Running test: bigoaddvalue... ok Running test: modifyvalues1... ok .\apitest.EXE backend remoteprog_flint: All 151 tests passed, 4 skipped. Running tests with backend "remotetcp_flint"... Running test: zerodocid1... ok Running test: emptyquery1... ok Running test: simplequery1... ok Running test: simplequery2... ok Running test: simplequery3... ok Running test: wildquery1... ok Running test: multidb1... ok Running test: msetmaxitems1... ok Running test: expandweights1... ok Running test: expandweights2... ok Running test: expandmaxitems1... ok Running test: boolquery1... ok Running test: msetfirst1... ok Running test: topercent1... ok Running test: topercent2... ok Running test: expandfunctor1... ok Running test: pctcutoff1... ok Running test: pctcutoff2... ok Running test: pctcutoff3... ok Running test: cutoff1... ok Running test: allowqterms1... ok Running test: maxattain1... ok Running test: reversebool1... ok Running test: reversebool2... ok Running test: getmterms1... ok Running test: getmterms2... ok Running test: poscollapse1... ok Running test: repeatquery1... ok Running test: fetchdocs1... ok Running test: absentterm1... ok Running test: absentterm2... ok Running test: rset1... ok Running test: rset2... ok Running test: eliteset1... ok Running test: eliteset2... ok Running test: eliteset3... ok Running test: eliteset4... ok Running test: eliteset5... ok Running test: termlisttermfreq1... ok Running test: qterminfo1... ok Running test: qterminfo2... ok Running test: msetzeroitems1... ok Running test: matches1... ok Running test: wqf1... ok Running test: qlen1... ok Running test: termlist1... ok Running test: termlist2... ok Running test: termlist3... ok Running test: termlist4... ok Running test: puncterms1... ok Running test: spaceterms1... ok Running test: xor1... ok Running test: getdoc1... ok Running test: emptyop1... ok Running test: checkatleast1... ok Running test: checkatleast2... ok Running test: checkatleast3... ok Running test: allpostlist1... ok Running test: emptyterm1... ok Running test: valuerange1... ok Running test: valuege1... ok Running test: valuele1... ok Running test: scaleweight1... ok Running test: scaleweight2... ok Running test: bm25weight1... ok Running test: tradweight1... ok Running test: termstats... ok Running test: matchfunctor3... ok Running test: msetiterator1... ok Running test: msetiterator2... ok Running test: msetiterator3... ok Running test: esetiterator1... ok Running test: esetiterator2... ok Running test: collapsekey1... ok Running test: collapsekey2... Don't have a suitable database currently SKIPPED Running test: collapsekey3... ok Running test: collapsekey4... ok Running test: allterms1... ok Running test: allterms2... ok Running test: allterms3... ok Running test: allterms4... ok Running test: allterms5... ok Running test: allterms6... ok Running test: specialterms1... ok Running test: specialterms2... ok Running test: postlist1... ok Running test: postlist2... ok Running test: postlist3... ok Running test: postlist4... ok Running test: postlist5... ok Running test: postlist6... ok Running test: collfreq1... ok Running test: sortvalue1... ok Running test: sortrel1... ok Running test: matchall1... ok Running test: changesorter1... ok Running test: multidb2... ok Running test: multidb3... ok Running test: multidb4... ok Running test: multidb5... ok Running test: rsetmultidb1... ok Running test: rsetmultidb3... ok Running test: uuid1... ok Running test: rsetmultidb2... ok Running test: multiexpand1... ok Running test: valuerange2... ok Running test: alldocspl1... ok Running test: alldocspl2... ok Running test: near1... ok Running test: near2... ok Running test: phrase1... ok Running test: phrase2... ok Running test: poslist1... ok Running test: positfromtermit1... TermList::positionlist_count() not yet implemented for this backend SKIPPED Running test: poslist2... ok Running test: poslist3... ok Running test: keepalive1... ok Running test: netstats1... ok Running test: externalsource2... ok Running test: badtransaction1... ok Running test: committransaction1... ok Running test: canceltransaction1... ok Running test: canceltransaction2... ok Running test: adddoc1... ok Running test: adddoc2... ok Running test: adddoc3... ok Running test: adddoc4... ok Running test: adddoc5... ok Running test: adddoc6... ok Running test: implicitendsession1... ok Running test: databaseassign1... ok Running test: deldoc1... ok Running test: deldoc2... ok Running test: deldoc3... ok Running test: deldoc4... ok Running test: deldoc5... ok Running test: deldoc6... ok Running test: replacedoc1... ok Running test: replacedoc2... ok Running test: replacedoc3... ok Running test: replacedoc4... ok Running test: replacedoc5... ok Running test: replacedoc6... ok Running test: uniqueterm1... ok Running test: allpostlist2... ok Running test: emptyterm2... ok Running test: phraseorneartoand1... ok Running test: longpositionlist1... ok Running test: crashrecovery1... Test only supported for flint and chert backends SKIPPED Running test: nomoredocids1... ok Running test: metadata1... Metadata not supported by this backend SKIPPED Running test: termtoolong1... ok Running test: postlist7... ok Running test: bigoaddvalue... ok Running test: modifyvalues1... ok .\apitest.EXE backend remotetcp_flint: All 151 tests passed, 4 skipped. .\apitest.EXE total: 1346 tests passed, 44 failed, 40 skipped. NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '.\apitest.EXE' : return code '0x1' Stop. NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\BIN\n make.EXE"' : return code '0x2' Stop. C:\work\xapian\xapian-SVN\xapian-core\win32>